Member Spotlight

Jeff Metz

RTD Financial Advisors
CLP Member Since: 2014

Get to Know Me

To learn more about Jeff Metzclick below.
Why did you become a Collaborative Professional?
For the learnings involved in identifying differences and creating common interests to resolve problems with creative solutions.
What advice would you give future Collaborative Professionals?
Continue to be curious about your own self awareness so you can channel that knowledge into helping other people.
What is your favorite part of being a CLP Member?
Learning from others.
Before working at the company or organization you are with now, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve had?
Working for an oil and gas company gaining insight into corporate decision making.
How do you balance your career and family?
Making sure I have my eyes on both at all times, but not at the same time.
What would your autobiography be titled?
Peering over the horizon- how to have an interesting life.
What is on top of your bucket list?
Preparing my wife for our next chapter of our lives together.
If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
Building of the pyramids in Egypt.
You’re happiest when?
Being with my family members.
Best advice you ever received?
Never be intimidated.