Member Spotlight
Lee A. Schwartz, Esq.
Peaceful Separation and Divorce in Philadelphia
CLP Member Since: 2010
Get to Know Me
To learn more about Lee A. Schwartz, below.
1. Why did you become a Collaborative Professional?
I became a member because I trained to be a collaborative lawyer, and I felt being in our group
would foster goodwill, an exchange of ideas and generate business referrals for all of us.
What advice would you give future Collaborative Professionals?
I would advise collaborative professionals to market their business as a collaborative
professional, to join IACP and to engage in professional organizations that promote and support the collaborative and ADR practice.
What is your favorite part of being a CLP Member?
I am a people person. I love meeting with, speaking with, being educated by and socializing with
collaborative professionals.
How do I balance career and family?
Excellent question. It's a skill you develop. Learning to leave the office in the office is a skill that only comes from practice. Once you can do that, a professional will be much happier in both.
What chore do I absolutely hate doing?
Fixing anything. I am not handy, and I am done trying to be. I excel at writing checks for other people to assist me in this regard.
You're happiest when?
When I am with my partner and wife, Lois and with my 5 children and 9 grands. Nothing
What would you like to tell your 13 year-old self?
Life is a daily grind, and I say that in the most positive way. Fifty percent of life is daily effort and fifty percent is simply being there. Be patient, work hard and be consistent. Treat others like you would wish to be treated, from the man living on the air vent near your home to the most loved and revered person.
If you could be on any game show, which would you choose?
If you had to delete all but three apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?
New York Times, CNBC and ESPN
If you could time travel, would you go back in time to meet your ancestors, or forward in time to meet
your descendants? Why?
The future; the past is done; the future is the unknown.