What You Need to Know About Collaborative Law

September 14, 2023

The large footprint of Collaborative law is now reaching across all areas of the legal system. Pennsylvania enacted its Collaborative Law statute recently. 

Collaborative law is an increasingly popular form of dispute resolution in which parties agree to resolve their dispute without going to court. It is a voluntary, private process in which both parties work together to reach a mutually beneficial agreement without the need for litigation.

Collaborative law offers many advantages over traditional litigation. First and foremost, it is a less expensive and less time-consuming process. Unlike litigation, which can drag on for months or even years, a collaborative law process can be completed in a matter of weeks or months. This saves the parties time and money, as they don’t have to pay for costly court proceedings or lengthy legal proceedings.

Another benefit of collaborative law is that it is a confidential process. The parties agree to keep the details of their dispute confidential, which helps to protect their privacy and prevents any public airing of their grievances. This can be especially beneficial for those involved in high-profile cases or those who wish to keep their dispute out of the public eye.

Collaborative law also allows for more creative problem-solving. Since the parties are working together to reach an agreement, they can explore creative solutions that may not be available in a traditional courtroom setting. This can be especially helpful in cases involving complex financial or property matters.

Divorce: Collaborative Law vs Mediation

Finally, collaborative law is often more successful than traditional litigation. Since the parties are working together to reach a resolution, they are more likely to reach a successful outcome than if they were to go to court. This is because both parties are invested in the outcome and are more likely to be willing to compromise in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Overall, collaborative law is a beneficial process for those looking to resolve their disputes without going to court. It is less expensive and time-consuming than traditional litigation, it is confidential, it allows for more creative problem-solving, and it is often more successful than traditional litigation. For these reasons, collaborative law is an attractive option for those looking to resolve their disputes without the need for court proceedings.

About Peter Bort

Mr. Bort is the principal of Bort Law, a member of Collaborative Law Professionals of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Council of Mediators, and Association of Conflict Resolution – Delaware Valley. He holds a B.A. from Binghamton University and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center. Mr. Bort has practiced family law for more than thirty years and has been a Mediator for over twenty-five years. Mr. Bort has administered more than one hundred decedent’s estates and has prepared wills and ancillary documents for more than one thousand families. Mr. Bort is a member of the Chester County Bar Association, the Montgomery Bar Association and a member of the PBA Family Law Section, the Montgomery Bar Association Family Law Section, Chester County Family Law Section, the Montgomery Bar Association Mediation Committee, the PBA Alternative Dispute Committee, a Mediator with the court-connected Custody Program of Montgomery County from 1999 to 2016, a Mediator with the Chester County Bar Association, a Director of the Board of the Montgomery Conflict Mediation Center, a Trustee of Dunwoody Village Continuing Care Retirement Community, and an Arbitrator with the U.S. District Court (EDPA), Delaware County Court of Common Pleas and Montgomery Court of Common Pleas.

Mr. Bort is a frequent presenter to lawyers, mediators and collaborative professionals.

Mr. Bort has been practicing mindfulness meditation for over thirty years.


101 Lindenwood Drive, Ste 225-G, Malvern, PA 19355, 610-933-9700
20 West Front Street, Media, PA 19063, 484-440-2002
21 West Airy Street, Norristown, PA 19401, 610-994-0072
150 Radnor Chester Rd, Ste F200, Radnor, PA 19087, 610-933-9700